“I found Pacific Pine when looking for a 100 km training plan back in 2019. I really appreciated how they asked questions to get to know me and tailored a plan for me. I was successful in the race and credit Jenny and Katrina for helping me complete my first ultra. Then, in early 2020 I reconnected with them to work with them monthly, and have never looked back. They know how to push me and challenge me, all while taking the time to listen to my needs and my goals. I feel that they really know me, even though we haven’t met in person. I appreciate the amount of work they devote to personalizing my plan, and the research that goes into what they put in my plan. Since joining with Pacific Pine, I am a faster, smarter, and stronger runner, and am excited to continue to grow.” - Michelle B

Individualized One on One Coaching 

1 year minimum commitment

cost is $200 per month CAD (+GST when applicable)

For runners who are looking to take the next step in their training and racing and who are looking to maximize their training time and efficiency

Who this is for: People of all fitness levels, from beginner to advanced. This is for you if you are ready to follow an individualized training program and interact with us frequently. We offer daily input and feedback and modify your plan as needed.

More than miles: We strive to challenge each athlete to forget any limits they may have placed on themselves and work towards enjoying the life long process of running.

What you receive: You will be provided with a personalized training plan and log detailing your workouts. We build a plan suited to your goals and your life that includes runner specific strength programming and running programming, and scheduled rest days.

Every program is completely individualized and uses your input as the athlete, our experiential knowledge, and the best available science. We have both completed the UESCA Ultra Marathon coaching course. We combine the course information with articles from other coaches, our experience and new scientific studies. We are here to support and cheer you on through it all!

You can expect quick response times by email and phone consultations when you need to talk things through. We work with you to set goals, understand the training process, and learn how to be your best runner.

Other Perks?

  • Individualized run programming and run specific strength training

  • Daily communication through your training log

  • Frequently shared articles relevant to your training

  • Monthly review of scientific articles and resources to apply to training

  • Access to our private PPRC Adventure team Slack Page

  • Goal development & guidance for outcome, performance and process related goals

  • Assistance with race specific planning and preparation

  • Evidence based strategies for physical and mental components of running (sleep management, positive thinking strategies, motivation and more)

  • E-mail access

  • Good old fashioned, endless support! And, a lot of exclamation points!!

We’d love to hear from you. Contact us through the form below and get ready for amazing adventures ahead!!

Customized Training Programs

$350 | 16-week training program

Personalized for you, we will design you a 16-week training program for your goal race. This is for the athlete who isn't ready to commit to full time coaching but who wants a personalized 16-week program to help train for any goal race and who has not worked with us previously.

We have experience making training programs that range from road running programs (5 to 42 km) to trail programs (5 to 100 km) and multi-day stage race programs.

This program will include running and runner specific strength programming and resources to support you on your journey!


Let's Get Started! 

Fill out our form below. We will reply shortly with our training questionnaire to get you started! Please note: Our reply to these forms often goes to junk/promo folders, please check there for our response!


Should finances be a barrier to your interest in coaching, please reach out and let us know.